Branded and Unbranded Terms (Bulk Quantity)

TheftDefender Branded & Unprinted/Partially Printed Card Sleeves
Special Notes: Large orders may require additional time depending on available stock or manfacturing time and could take 1-2  weeks to ship.
All consumer Terms & Conditions apply with the inclusion of the following:
Full payment is required at time of purchase.
Return Policy:
All or partial purchase is subject to 40% restocking fee + bankcard service / transaction fees.  Shipping is non-refundable.
(Typically for customers who plan to resell sleeves using their artwork)
Buyer assumes all risk associated with reselling or using the product(s) items and must represent the factual information about the product material.  Buyer holds TRI7Productions, LLC, TheftDefender and/or its affiliates not liable for any reselling or distribution activities OR that result in the misuse of the product.  For  partially printed or unprinted products, buyer must not reference the TheftDefender brand on the product for resale, unless partner or affiliation contracts have been setup between TRI7Productions, LLC. and the buyer OR Branded card sleeves.
Additional Notes:
Manufacturing & processing time may take up to 4 weeks for some out of stock items.  For orders which are out of stock that require additional manufacturing time, you will be sent status email prior to shipment.